Reiki Group Empowerment (RGE)
This is a monthly event held on a weekday's evening. Purpose is to provide a space and time for Reiki Practitioners to share and enjoy the benefit of Reiki group practice.
Meditation, experience sharing and Reiki group exercise are included in the process. Sometimes we will have a specific topic or other energy work is introduced. Besides enjoy the benefit of multiplied Reiki energy (when 30 Reiki practitioner practice together, the energy is multiplied by 30 * 30), Reiki Practitioners also share their experiences, clarify queries and sometimes experience new Reiki skill,
RGE is an supportive gathering for Reiki Practitioners to practice and further develop their Reiki energy. Guests are welcome to join us to experience the Reiki energy before they enroll the Reiki classes. However, we only have limited space for Guests, so please make early appointment for your space.
這聚會每月一次, 會安排在工作天的傍晚舉行。目的主要是提供一個時間及場所, 讓靈氣治療師 可以一起分享及練習靈氣。形式主要是冥想, 經驗分享, 澄清疑問和及靈氣練習, 有時我們還可能會介紹其他能量工作, 或加入不同的主題, 讓同學在接受團體靈氣能量之餘, 有更新及更深的體驗。靈氣的團體練習能將靈氣以次方提昇, (當 30 個 治療師 一起實習時, 能量是 30 * 30增加 )。
RGE 是一個對靈氣治療師 輔助性的團體練習, 幫助大家深化靈氣的能量。除了新心靈的靈氣同學外, 準備上課或有意了解和體驗靈氣的治療效益的人士, 亦可於上課前, 以嘉賓身份參與。但嘉賓人數有限, 請先預約。